
Willow has lived at the sanctuary for several years. She has a gentle, sweet nature, and gets around pretty well despite being blind. Her best friend is Hidalgo, a branded Mustang who came to us as the result of an SPCA cruelty investigation. Hidalgo is very protective of his friend and Willow follows him everywhere.

Willow worked as a trail and a lesson horse for many years. She began to get infections in her eyes, eventually losing her vision and becoming unable to work. Her owners sent her to an “auction” which is most often a death sentence since the only bidders for old, disabled or “useless” horses are the killer buyers who will send such a horse to slaughter.

After arriving at the Sanctuary an operation was performed by one of our veterinarians to remove one of Willow’s non-functioning eyes as she was suffering from recurring eye infections. Willow will spend the rest of her life at the sanctuary receiving loving care and being treasured for the kind and gentle mare she is

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